Wow, we are already starting our sixth month of preschool. Although January had some cold days we were blessed with lots of sunshine and some warmer days. Unfortunately, there was no substantial snow for us to play in. Maybe February will continue to give us some more sunny days and a little snow for the children to enjoy.
This month, the four-year-old class will have two themes "Hearts/Friendship" and "Healthy Living. "The three-year-old class will do the theme "Shapes." During Jesus' Time, we will study the following stories: "Jesus Changes Water into Wine, The Great Catch of Fish, Jesus Calms the Storm," and "Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man."
On Thursday, February 13th, and Friday, February 14th, we will have our Valentine's Day Pajama Parties. On Monday, February 17th, we will have no school in observance of Presidents' Day. Finally, we will have another chance to sing again with the Sunday School children on Sunday, March 2nd. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend!
- Mrs. Lori Dundore, Teacher/ Director
February may make us shiver, but the Little Sprouts will be too busy having fun and learning to notice the cold! We begin the month with a unit on "Community Helpers" - fire fighters, police officers, doctors, mail carriers, pastors . . . There are so many helpers! The children will listen to stories about these people and create some fun art projects, including a police car and a picture of a firefighter putting out a fire. We will also learn about shapes with a shape mailbox toy. For Valentine's week, the children will decorate bags with stickers and hearts so we can collect Valentine cards during our celebration on February 13th. A special heart craft will go home on that day as well. Our month ends by beginning a unit on "Taking Care of Me." A healthy eating book will be colored and we will paint a tooth outline with a toothbrush.
Jesus time stories this month are: "Jesus Goes to a Wedding, Five Loaves and Two Fish, Peter Learns to Trust," and "One Man Gives Thanks."
- Mrs. Rachel Andrews
February 13th -- Valentine's Day Party At 10:15 (3's)
February 14th -- Valentine's Day Party At 10:15 (4's)
February 17th -- No School- President's Day Holiday
2025 Parents'/ Grandparents' Reading Day
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year. This month, both classes will have the theme "Snow" and "The Animals Who Love It." Even though it is the same themes, we will have different activities. During Jesus' Time, we will study the following stories: "God Leads the Wise Men to Jesus, God Keeps Jesus Safe, Young Jesus Visits the Temple," and "Jesus is Baptized by John."
On Monday, January 20th, we will have no school in observance of MLK Jr. Day. On Tuesday, January 21st, and Wednesday, January 22nd, we will have our second "Family Read Day." Finally, if the weather permits and there is some snow to play in, we will try to have at least one "Snow" day for each class.
- Mrs. Lori Dundore, Teacher/ Director
As the cold wind blows and perhaps the snow flies, the Little Sprouts will begin the month of January with a winter theme. We will read some funny winter stories including "The Mitten" where many animals attempt to snuggle into a mitten. The children will make a winter collage and some cute snowmen with Model Magic. Our second theme for the month is about. We will learn about cats, dogs, fish and even turtles! The children will get to play with a pet vet toy, a feel and match bones doghouse toy and make a paper bag dog puppet and a paper plate turtle.
Our Jesus time stories this month include the Epiphany story of "Gifts for a King," as well as "Jesus Goes to Church", "Come and Follow Me," and "Jesus Shows His Power".
- Mrs. Rachel Andrews
January 6th - School Resumes (4's)
January 7th - School Resumes(3's)
January 20th - No School - MLK Jr Day
January 21st - Family Read Day (3's)
January 22nd - Family Read Day (4's)
December 4th - Conferences 12:45 - 4:45pm
December 8th - Preschool Sing With Sunday School Children (9:30am) + Advent Family Crafts (10:45am)
December 10th - Craft Day (10:00-11:30am) (3's)
December 11th - Craft Day (10:00-11:30am) (4's)
December 15th - Christmas Program (1:30pm Please Arrive by 1:20pm)
December 19th - Christmas Party (10:00-11:30) (3's)
December 20th - Christmas Party (10:00-11:30) (4's)
December 23rd - January 3rd - Winter Break - No School
January 6th - School Resumes (4's)
January 7th - School Resumes(3's)
It is hard to believe we are already through two months of Preschool. Sunday, November 3rd will be an opportunity for the preschool children to join the Sunday school children to sing the song we have been working so hard on. Please plan to come and meet us in the fellowship hall at 9:15 for practice before the service starts at 9:30. Refreshments and drinks will be served after. We hope to see you there!
This month will be busy as we prepare for Parent/Teacher conferences and start preparing for our Christmas Program. The Christmas Program will be held on Sunday, December 15th at 1:30. During the month we will be learning "My Five Senses" in the three-year-old class and the four-year-old class will learn about "Native American Indians and Thanksgiving." During Jesus' Time, we will study the following stories: "God Takes Care of Baby Moses, God Chooses Moses," and "God Leads His People Through the Red Sea." Near the end of the month, both classes will enjoy a field trip to the Marriott Lincolnshire to see Cinderella.
We will be on Thanksgiving break from Wednesday, November 27th, through Friday, November 29th. The Four-Year-Old Class will resume on Monday, December 2nd, and the Three-Year-Old Class on Tuesday, December 3rd. Conferences will then be held on Wednesday, December 4th. Finally, please note that the December Preschool/Sunday School singing will be on the second Sunday, the 8th. That day will also be our Family Advent Festival. More information on this to come! I wish everyone a wonderful and peaceful Thanksgiving.
- Mrs. Lori Dundore, Teacher/ Director
While brightly colored leaves may be leaving the bare, the season of fall is still upon us so the Little Sprouts will spend the month of November with a look at Fall Animals. The month begins with an acorn dot art craft and some cozy fall books. We will also read the beautifully illustrated book The Busy Little Squirrel. Fall animal crafts include a bushy tail squirrel, a paper bag fox puppet and a hedgehog painted with a fork to create its spikes. The children will practice taking turns with two board games as well. For the week of Thanksgiving, we color Thanksgiving Prayer cards to take home and share with our families.
Jesus Time this month includes the Old Testament stories of "God Keeps Baby Moses Safe, God Chooses Moses, Crossing the Sea," and "Bread from Heaven".
- Mrs. Rachel Andrews
November 3rd - Preschool Sing In Church w/ Sunday School Kids (3's & 4's)
November 22nd - Field Trip To See Cinderella (4's)
November 26th - Field Trip To See Cinderella (3's)
November 27-29th - Thanksgiving Break - No School
December 4th - Conferences 12:45 - 4:45pm
We have successfully finished our first month of preschool. This month in the three-year-old class we will learn about "Colors." The four-year-old class will be learning about "Fall & Pumpkins." During Jesus time the four-year-old class will learn the following stories: "God Answers Abraham's Prayer for a Son, Jacob Sees a Beautiful Dream, God has a Plan for Joseph." and "Joseph Becomes a Ruler." The three-year-old class will do all the same stories but, before starting the above stories will learn "God Saves Noah and His Family." the end of the month both classes will have a special "Family Read Day," paint pumpkins from Country Bumpkin and finally, on the last days of the month, will enjoy a Fall Party.
- Mrs. Lori Dundore, Teacher/ Director
As the daylight slowly begins to wane and the leaves begin to fall, the Little Sprouts will be staying busy inside with lots of different activities. We will begin the month with a look at "Shapes." We will make a shapes color book, sing shape songs and build with some fun magnetic shape blocks. We will even create Noah's Ark out of different shapes. Our next theme is "Apples." We will taste red, yellow and green apples, read some fun apple stories and create a tissue paper apple. Our month ends will a look at fall. We will have a fall celebration day on October 31st with a delicious fall snack, finger plays and extra special craft.
Our Jesus stories this month feature: "Noah's Big Boat, Count the Stars! Jacob's Beautiful Dream, Joseph's Special Gift," and "Joseph's New Job".
- Mrs. Rachel Andrews
October 1st - Picture Day (3's)
October 2nd - Picture Day (4's)
October 6th - 1st Sing In Church With Sunday School Children
October 14th - Columbus Day - No School
October 21st - Family Read Day(4's)
October 22nd - Family Read Day(3's)
October 28th - Paint Pumpkins(4's)
October 29th - Paint Pumpkins(3's)
October 30th - Fall Party 10:00 -11:30am (4's)
October 31st - Fall Party 10:00 -11:30am (3's)
November 3rd - Preschool Sing In Church w/ Sunday School Kids (3's & 4's)
Here we are again ready to start a new school year! I hope everyone had a fantastic summer. Our first days will be Tuesday, September 3rd, and Wednesday, September 4th. I'm looking forward to seeing some of my students from last year and getting to know my new ones. To date, we have 7 three-year-olds and 8 four-year-olds enrolled. We do still have room so if you know anyone still looking for a preschool send them our way.
During the month we will be learning "All About Me" in the three-year-old class and the four-year-old class will do two days of learning about each other and then we will go into the theme "Apples." After that, we will learn about "Pets." During Jesus Time we will study the following stories: "God Creates Our Beautiful World, God Creates Man and Woman, God Saves Adam and Eve," Additionally the fours, we will also study "God Saves Noah and His Family. As I am sure we should have some nice weather this month we will try to get out a lot to enjoy the outdoors before the colder days arrive.
- Mrs. Lori Dundore, Teacher/ Director
School is back in session and the Little Sprouts are ready to meet new friends, play with and learn something new! In September, we will begin by learning our classroom routines and rules. The children will also learn a bit about the concept of school make a backpack craft and sing "The Wheels on the Bus." Our second theme of the month is "Colors." students will observe a color mixing experiment, learn a beanbag color song, and make a rainbow craft, which ties into our first story.
Our Jesus time stories this month are: "Jesus Blesses the Children, God Made the World, God Made Me," and "The Sneaky Snake."
- Mrs.Rachel Andrews
September 3rd - First Day of School (3's)
September 4th - First Day of School (4's)
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